Upcoming Events 2010:
31st May - 1st June, 2010
Of primary importance for
this topic is the well documented
historical work Cortona nel
Medioevo by our illustrious
fellow citizen Girolamo Mancini.
From chapter XXVI "Francesco
Casali marries Antonia Salimbeni"
(year 1397, pages 148-249).
The most beautiful young woman
arrived in Cortona on January
8 of 1397, escorted by Uguccio
and the bridegroom. Attending
the nuptials were guests from
Florence, Castello and m.
Niccolò Castracani,
each followed by ten horses,
Ottavio Ubaldini and his wife
and 20 horses, the landlord
of Braschi and other gentlemen
with smoller escorts, a large
number of trumpets, pipes,
players of several instruments,
fencers and performers. The
Malatestas from Rimini, Castiglione
Aretino from Isola Maggiore,
the Trasimeno lake rentors,
all sent gifts. In the city
the rectors of the Guilds,
in the country the heads of
villas, all the families in
the city even modest ones
offered sweets, poultry, birds,
hay for the horses.
Among the gifts were especially
admired one precious girdle
made with pearls of the cost
of 100 florins donated by
Castello, one piece of vermillion
velvet offered by Florence,
one horse and two pieces of
cloth interwoven in silk and
gold sent by the Marcquise
Malatesta Malatesti, and a
chest jewel. of the value
of 200 florins sent by Carlo
To furnish Palazzo Casali,
that had been slowly depredated
by courtesans, the citizens
loaned beds, tables, linens,
basins, silverware and such
household goods. In the days
of splendid festivities jousts
and dances followed one another.
"The Joust of Archidado
traces its origins back to
the Middle Ages and precisely
before the year 1000, origin
certainly born of a legend…"
So is narrated in the cronicle
of prof. F. Magrini (a contemporary
writer from Arezzo).
JOUST - year 2010 EDITION
Programme coming soon

joust is chivallery - AREZZO
19th June 2010 (21:30)
5th September 2010 (17:00)
Made of traditions, memories,
costumes and practices.The
joust has an ethical value,
even if “veiled”
by the population’s
festive commotion, it follows
its own distinctive essence,
the essence of a town: Arezzo.
At the Joust
we can still see the old family
symbols on the knights and
the symbols of their epic
deeds under the walls of Jerusalem,
originating from a memory
or by what had to be done
by those who followed pope
Gregorio's invitation to go
to the crusades (in partibus
infidelium). (The shield and
the colors of the Pazzi family
of the Valdarno is a good
example.) In a day that is
timeless, the tournament and
the knights seem to "be
carved." This term is
a homage to "Mastro Wolf"
and his art, who captured
the joust's spirit by transferring
it from his eyes to his heart,
from his heart to his hand
and from his hand to his work.
This Vasarian genius created
a game like effect between
the stone floor (pietra serena)
and the masses with a person's
figure that separates from
the rest indicating its own
uniqueness, the event and
its repetition: The Buratto
(dummy target).
Described by the Herald's
challenge, as the chosen one,
the most skilful among Persia
and Babylon's soldiers, the
king of the Indies presents
himself as a hero of Kitab
af -futuwak, in other words
the code of Arab chivalry
equals for dignity and nobility
the rules of "The Knights
of the Temple".
Treated like a Prince by his
family members, the Buratto
of Arezzo has royal but isolated
nobility, and thanks to his
soul's strength he can withstand
the challengers by stopping
them and by striking back.
If the Knight's lance breaks,
by his arm's strength and
by the Burratto's shield resistance,
then the Buratto's honor is
doubled while doubled can
be the dishonor for the knight
if the cat-o'-nine-tails on
the Buratto's right hand strikes
The Buratto, never loses.
He is the alter ego of a great
game where the Knights must
strike for points not only
for themselves, but first
of all for their "Quartiere"
(district, area)
The joust is a reality, of
extraordinary noble origins,
that becomes passion for the
citizens who support their
local flag and by the observer
that will experience the absorbing
and powerful emotions of the
joust. In conclusion:
To the Christian Knights:
"Non nobis Domine, non
nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam"
(motto of the Knights Templar)
-Not to us, but give Glory
to your name- To the Islam
Knights: "la galib illa
Allàh" (from the
motto by the kings of Andalusia
of the Ahmer dynasty) - There
is no winner but God -
(Umbria) FESTIVAL:
Festival dei Due Mondi'
18th June
- 4th July, 2010
in the green heart of Umbria,
Spoleto is taken over by a
whirlwind of artistic activity
during its annual festival:
enjoy quality classical music,
theatre, ballet, visual arts
and cinema in a beautiful,
romantic city that invites
leisurely strolls at dusk.
July 2010
August 2010
crowd, celebratory shouts,
a piazza covered with tufa,
ten horses ridden bareback
in a race that lasts only
a few seconds.
For those
who are seeing it for the
first time, this is the Palio.
For the Sienese it is life,
passion, history. It’s
the miracle of a game that
becomes real life, where there
is a place for joy and pain,
courage and intrigue, loyalty
and betrayal.
A mediaeval
inheritance which, on 2nd
July and 16th August deeply
affects Siena life and is
always a catharsis.
The traditional
horse race 'Palio', which
is run around the Piazza del
Campo, is a perfect example
of preserved medieval pageantry.
Horses are blessed in the
churches of the boroughs participating
in the race and also with
their jockeys at the Cathedral.
The day of the race they all
make their way in cortege
in historical costume which
parades from the streets into
and around the Campo to the
peal of the bell of the Mangia
Tower till the actual Palio
race takes place.
Charm of the Palio
There are 17 contradas, but
only 10 race in the Palio;
therefore, other than the
seven that race because they
did not take part in the previous
Palio, three are chosen by
drawing lots. This process,
which takes place the last
Sunday in May and the first
Sunday after the Palio of
July, marks the beginning
of the festivities.
Three days
before the race, an important
ceremony is held which is
called "la tratta",
or "the draw", in
which every contrada is assigned
by the drawing of lots one
of the ten horses selected
from the battery. This is
a most important moment because
a good horse can be decisive;
the horses that race in the
piazza are often half bloods
that are both fast and as
well as courageous. From that
moment, the horse is taken
into the contrada and is given
all the attention possible:
it has to eat well and rest
quietly; for this reason it
is entrusted with a "barbaresco",
a man that takes it into his
care and practically lives
with it during the days leading
up to the Palio, trying to
determine its possibilities
and obtain its best performance.
On the track,
in fact, there is no time
for joking. The curve called
San Martino that is met going
downhill, and another called
Casato, which is on an uphill
slope, can be deadly traps.
The test runs, therefore,
are faced with the idea of
preparing the horse as well
as the strategy for the race;
it is also an important moment
for the jockey, a protagonist
as well even if to a lesser
measure than the horse. The
jockey is usually a foreigner
to Siena, short, but courageous
and well built and, most importantly,
an exceptional horse rider
because he will ride without
a saddle and the risk if he
falls is grave. As a rule,
the jockey is a man, although
some women have played the
part as well; the last one
was called Rompicollo, or
"Breakneck" (in
keeping with the Tuscan tradition
every jockey has a nickname)
and she raced for the contrada
Aquila (Eagle).
The night
before the race is the grandiose,
propitious dinner where singing
and toasting abound, but it
is also the time when secret
pacts are stipulated between
the contradas, work of the
captain and the "mangini"
(the organizers), with the
primary objective of winning
the Palio in mind, but also
with the goal of not letting
the rival contradas win.
The day of
the Palio, after the "provaccia"
(the final trial run), the
air gets tense and then when
the bell tower sounds the
signal and the young people
that play a part are all dressed
in their splendid, full costumes,
the anticipation is felt everywhere.
In the middle of a very excited
atmosphere, every contrada
that will take part in the
race in the Campo has its
horse blessed. It is a moment
that cannot be missed; the
"correctore" (priest)
performs the benediction of
the horse and the jockey and
dismisses the latter saying,
"Go and come back a winner!".
Then the excitement is unleashed
with drum rolls and the waving
of flags surrounded by an
increasingly dense crowd.
The anticipation
continues to grow during the
historic parade that precedes
the Palio; one by one all
of the contradas parade around
the Campo in their multi-colored
costumes until finally the
"Carroccio" (a medieval
war cart) enters, pulled by
four oxen and carrying the
banner called the Palio (also
called "the cloth"),
welcomed by thousands of waving
handkerchiefs. After a seemingly
never-ending wait, the horses
enter the Piazza del Campo
from the "Entrone"
(entrance) of the Palazzo
Pubblico and make their way,
surrounded by shouting and
applause, to the starting
line of the race.
The start of the race ("la
mossa") is a critical
moment; the starting line-up
is kept a secret until it
is revealed by the starter
moments before the race. The
first nine horses line up
one after the other as the
emotion grips the throat of
all. A good place at the starting
line could mean a victory!
It is not infrequent that
the horses act up, due to
the excitement of the jockey
as well as the tension that
reigns in the moments before
the start, causing the line-up
for the start to be repeated
several times. The moment
of the start is determined
by the tenth contrada that
acts as a "run-up"
to the others, and only when
that horse reaches the others
does the rope that restrains
the horses fall to the ground.
The horses take off at an
incredible speed, with the
jockeys hanging on tightly
to their necks, in a wide-open
The three
laps around the track are
completed in about one and
a half minutes, at such an
incredible speed that those
seeing the Palio for the first
time can hardly believe it.
Even before the explosion
of a firecracker declares
the end of the race, the members
of the winning contrada enter
the track and run to claim
"the cloth" yelling,
"Give it to us! Give
it to us!". A great exultation
with flags follows, and the
contradas that are "friends"
of the winners unite with
them, while at the same time
it is not rare that some other
jockeys get treated roughly
by their contrada's members
as their "thanks"
for losing.
After the
Palio is carried into the
contrada, it is displayed
in the museum. Then the festivities
begin which will culminate
in a huge dinner where the
winning horse itself is at
the head of the table. It
is a celebration for all but
everyone has already begun
to think about the Palio of
the following year.
Jazz: 09- 18 July 2010
Trasimeno (Umbria)
July - 1 August, 2010
Sun Festival:
31- August 5, 2010